Faith Formation Commission
"Faith is nothing but an adhesion of our understanding to these revealed truths which it finds both beautiful and good. Consequently, it comes to believe them and to love them." The Faith Formation Commission’s mission is to provide a lifelong intergenerational whole community approach to faith formation that emphasizes parish and home preparation and formation based on events of the liturgical year. This catechetical process aims toward growth in many dimensions of Christian discipleship: knowledge of faith, liturgical life, moral formation, prayer, belonging to community and missionary spirit. It is faithful to Catholic tradition and responsive to the needs and lived experience of people today. Contact Information. Strengths & Areas of Growth. Ministry Position Descriptions. |
Sacramental Preparation
Baptism Preparation
Baptism Preparation assists parents in their understanding of the meaning of the baptismal call and prepares them for the responsibility of raising their child in the Catholic faith. Time commitment for the following opportunities is normally 2 hours. Training is provided.
Opportunities to serve:
Ministry Position Descriptions.
Confirmation Preparation
Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation stresses that the individual begins to acknowledge a personal commitment to a spiritual journey that will last a lifetime. Catechesis encourages this commitment by deepening each individual’s understanding of the sacrament through formation sessions, by encouraging personal witness through social justice activity, participation in the parish's liturgical life, and by helping to enrich each candidate’s prayer life through retreats and other prayer experiences. Diocesan and parish requirements are fulfilled in a two-year preparation process which begins in high school.
Opportunities to serve:
Ministry Position Descriptions.
First Reconciliation Preparation
The Sacrament of Reconciliation Preparation prepares children to receive the Sacrament for the first time. This process involves participation in the Children’s Faith Formation program, parish wide faith formation gatherings, attendance at parent/child workshops and completing required materials at home. Diocesan guidelines state that children who have been baptized in the Catholic Church are to be involved in a catechetical process for at least a year prior to formal preparation for this sacrament. First Reconciliation is usually scheduled during the fall and is normally celebrated during a Parish Communal Reconciliation Service.
Opportunities to serve:
Ministry Position Descriptions.
First Eucharist Preparation
The First Eucharist Preparation prepares children to receive the Sacrament of Eucharist for the first time. This process involves participation in our Children’s Faith Formation program, parish wide faith formation gatherings, attendance at weekly liturgy, parent/child workshops, retreat, rehearsal and completing required materials at home. As required by the Diocese, children are to be regular participants in the faith formation process at least one year prior to formal preparation for this sacrament. The National Directory for Catechesis requires that parents, too, take an active part in the child’s formation. First Eucharist is usually scheduled during the spring and is celebrated with the entire parish community at all Liturgies on a designated weekend.
Opportunities to serve:
Ministry Position Descriptions.
Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA)
Order of Christian Initiation of Adults is the process through which the Catholic Church receives new adult members, and has three phases:
The Pre-Catechumenate is a process for those interested in exploring Roman Catholicism. These meetings normally take place in the De Sales Faith Formation Center. The Catechumenate is a process for Catechumens (unbaptized) and Candidates (Christian baptized) to delve more deeply into Scripture to accompany them on their faith journeys. These meetings normally take place on Sunday, 9:30 am to 11:00 am in the De Sales Faith Formation Center. Mystagogia provides a continuation for Catechumens to help them become fully integrated into parish life. These meetings normally take place in the De Sales Faith Formation Center, and times are established as needed.
Opportunities to serve:
Ministry Position Descriptions.
Order of Christian Initiation adapted for Children
Available as needed. Children who have already reached the age of reason (age seven), who are not baptized and seek to embrace the Catholic faith, are enrolled in an initiation process of sufficient duration that will prepare the child to profess faith appropriate to their age. These children are fully initiated into the Catholic Church at the culmination of this process, celebrating Baptism (if needed), Confirmation, and First Eucharist during the same liturgy. For the Baptism of children under the age of seven, the guidelines for the Baptism of Infants apply.
Opportunities to serve:
Ministry Position Descriptions.
Baptism Preparation assists parents in their understanding of the meaning of the baptismal call and prepares them for the responsibility of raising their child in the Catholic faith. Time commitment for the following opportunities is normally 2 hours. Training is provided.
Opportunities to serve:
- Baptism Host, who offers assistance before and during the baptism liturgy
Ministry Position Descriptions.
Confirmation Preparation
Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation stresses that the individual begins to acknowledge a personal commitment to a spiritual journey that will last a lifetime. Catechesis encourages this commitment by deepening each individual’s understanding of the sacrament through formation sessions, by encouraging personal witness through social justice activity, participation in the parish's liturgical life, and by helping to enrich each candidate’s prayer life through retreats and other prayer experiences. Diocesan and parish requirements are fulfilled in a two-year preparation process which begins in high school.
Opportunities to serve:
- Catechist
- Catechist aide
- Stewardship project coordinator
- Clerical duties
- Reception Celebration assistance
Ministry Position Descriptions.
First Reconciliation Preparation
The Sacrament of Reconciliation Preparation prepares children to receive the Sacrament for the first time. This process involves participation in the Children’s Faith Formation program, parish wide faith formation gatherings, attendance at parent/child workshops and completing required materials at home. Diocesan guidelines state that children who have been baptized in the Catholic Church are to be involved in a catechetical process for at least a year prior to formal preparation for this sacrament. First Reconciliation is usually scheduled during the fall and is normally celebrated during a Parish Communal Reconciliation Service.
Opportunities to serve:
- Catechist
- Catechist aide
- Clerical duties
- Hospitality
- Special projects
- Reception Celebration assistance
Ministry Position Descriptions.
First Eucharist Preparation
The First Eucharist Preparation prepares children to receive the Sacrament of Eucharist for the first time. This process involves participation in our Children’s Faith Formation program, parish wide faith formation gatherings, attendance at weekly liturgy, parent/child workshops, retreat, rehearsal and completing required materials at home. As required by the Diocese, children are to be regular participants in the faith formation process at least one year prior to formal preparation for this sacrament. The National Directory for Catechesis requires that parents, too, take an active part in the child’s formation. First Eucharist is usually scheduled during the spring and is celebrated with the entire parish community at all Liturgies on a designated weekend.
Opportunities to serve:
- Catechist
- Catechist aide
- Clerical duties
- Hospitality
- Special projects
- Reception Celebration assistance
Ministry Position Descriptions.
Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA)
Order of Christian Initiation of Adults is the process through which the Catholic Church receives new adult members, and has three phases:
The Pre-Catechumenate is a process for those interested in exploring Roman Catholicism. These meetings normally take place in the De Sales Faith Formation Center. The Catechumenate is a process for Catechumens (unbaptized) and Candidates (Christian baptized) to delve more deeply into Scripture to accompany them on their faith journeys. These meetings normally take place on Sunday, 9:30 am to 11:00 am in the De Sales Faith Formation Center. Mystagogia provides a continuation for Catechumens to help them become fully integrated into parish life. These meetings normally take place in the De Sales Faith Formation Center, and times are established as needed.
Opportunities to serve:
- Sponsor
- Catechist
Ministry Position Descriptions.
Order of Christian Initiation adapted for Children
Available as needed. Children who have already reached the age of reason (age seven), who are not baptized and seek to embrace the Catholic faith, are enrolled in an initiation process of sufficient duration that will prepare the child to profess faith appropriate to their age. These children are fully initiated into the Catholic Church at the culmination of this process, celebrating Baptism (if needed), Confirmation, and First Eucharist during the same liturgy. For the Baptism of children under the age of seven, the guidelines for the Baptism of Infants apply.
Opportunities to serve:
- Prepare children for reception of the sacraments
Ministry Position Descriptions.
Whole Community Catechesis (WCC)
Creation Stations
Creation Stations is an on-going series of intergenerational creative and educational workshops led by parishioners, for parishioners. We are a church full of God-given talent, and we want to facilitate opportunities to share them with each other while building our faith community.
Opportunities to serve:
Ministry Position Descriptions.
Creation Stations is an on-going series of intergenerational creative and educational workshops led by parishioners, for parishioners. We are a church full of God-given talent, and we want to facilitate opportunities to share them with each other while building our faith community.
Opportunities to serve:
- Workshop Presenter
- Hospitality
- Coordinator
- Set-Up / Clean-Up
Ministry Position Descriptions.
Adult Faith Formation
Bible Study
Bible Study promotes faith-sharing in a small discussion group format. Groups meet in the De Sales Faith Formation Center at various times and days for a set number of weeks to reflect on the materials chosen for the current study. Members support and encourage one another on their faith journey, as they learn more about the Bible and their Catholic faith.
Opportunities to serve:
Ministry Position Descriptions.
Chapter by Chapter Book Study Group
The purpose of the Chapter by Chapter Book Study Group is to learn more about our faith and its application to our lives by reading substantive books by Catholic authors. The first group was so popular that a second group was started and is accepting members.
Contact Information.
Ministry Position Descriptions.
Lenten Small Groups
The Lenten Book Study promotes faith-sharing in a small discussion group format. Groups meet in private homes or in the De Sales Faith Formation Center at various times and days during Lent, to reflect on the materials chosen for the year. Members support and encourage one another on their faith journey, as they learn more about the Catholic faith.
Opportunities to serve:
Ministry Position Descriptions.
Sacred Heart of Jesus Men's Prayer Group
The Sacred Heart of Jesus men’s Group is open to all men eighteen years or older seeking to explore and strengthen their Catholic faith and share there fundamental beliefs in God and religion. Gathering are intentional time for prayer and to strengthen faith to fortify minds and spirits to live out the gospel message. This group usually meets alternate Wednesday evenings from 6:30 - 8:00 pm in the De Sales Faith Formation Center.
Opportunities to serve:
Ministry Position Descriptions.
Women's Faith Sharing Group
The Women’s Faith Sharing Group is for women who are interested in having some time to explore their own faith, as well as to become better examples of faithful people to their families. Time is spent building friendships with other Catholic women who are going through similar life experiences. This group supports one another with spiritual wisdom gained through reading Catholic-inspired books and from their collective knowledge. This group usually meets Wednesday evenings from 7:00 - 9:00 pm in the De Sales Faith Formation Center.
Opportunities to serve:
Ministry Position Descriptions.
Young Adult Fellowship Ministry
The Young Adult Fellowship Ministry offers a uniquely intellectual and personal experience with other young adult members on a variety of topics of faith. This group usually meets on Sunday afternoons from 2:30 - 4:00 pm in the De Sales Faith Formation Center.
Opportunities to serve:
Ministry Position Descriptions.
Bible Study promotes faith-sharing in a small discussion group format. Groups meet in the De Sales Faith Formation Center at various times and days for a set number of weeks to reflect on the materials chosen for the current study. Members support and encourage one another on their faith journey, as they learn more about the Bible and their Catholic faith.
Opportunities to serve:
- Group Facilitator
Ministry Position Descriptions.
Chapter by Chapter Book Study Group
The purpose of the Chapter by Chapter Book Study Group is to learn more about our faith and its application to our lives by reading substantive books by Catholic authors. The first group was so popular that a second group was started and is accepting members.
Contact Information.
Ministry Position Descriptions.
Lenten Small Groups
The Lenten Book Study promotes faith-sharing in a small discussion group format. Groups meet in private homes or in the De Sales Faith Formation Center at various times and days during Lent, to reflect on the materials chosen for the year. Members support and encourage one another on their faith journey, as they learn more about the Catholic faith.
Opportunities to serve:
- Group Facilitator
Ministry Position Descriptions.
Sacred Heart of Jesus Men's Prayer Group
The Sacred Heart of Jesus men’s Group is open to all men eighteen years or older seeking to explore and strengthen their Catholic faith and share there fundamental beliefs in God and religion. Gathering are intentional time for prayer and to strengthen faith to fortify minds and spirits to live out the gospel message. This group usually meets alternate Wednesday evenings from 6:30 - 8:00 pm in the De Sales Faith Formation Center.
Opportunities to serve:
- Facilitator
Ministry Position Descriptions.
Women's Faith Sharing Group
The Women’s Faith Sharing Group is for women who are interested in having some time to explore their own faith, as well as to become better examples of faithful people to their families. Time is spent building friendships with other Catholic women who are going through similar life experiences. This group supports one another with spiritual wisdom gained through reading Catholic-inspired books and from their collective knowledge. This group usually meets Wednesday evenings from 7:00 - 9:00 pm in the De Sales Faith Formation Center.
Opportunities to serve:
- Facilitator
Ministry Position Descriptions.
Young Adult Fellowship Ministry
The Young Adult Fellowship Ministry offers a uniquely intellectual and personal experience with other young adult members on a variety of topics of faith. This group usually meets on Sunday afternoons from 2:30 - 4:00 pm in the De Sales Faith Formation Center.
Opportunities to serve:
- Facilitator
Ministry Position Descriptions.
Youth Ministry
Total Youth Ministry (TYM) (9th Grade thru 12th Grade)
Junior Youth Ministry (JYM) (6th Grade thru 8th Grade)
Youth Ministry is composed of Total Youth Ministry (TYM ) for young people in 9th thru 12th grade and Junior Youth Ministry (JYM) for young people in 6th thru 8th grade. The goal of Youth Ministry is to foster the TOTAL personal and spiritual growth of our young people in Grades 6-12, both individually and as a community. This is done through reinforcing the eight components of Youth Ministry: Catechesis, Advocacy, Community Life, Evangelization, Justice/ Service (outreach), Leadership Development, Pastoral Care, and Prayer and Worship. The primary focus of Youth Ministry is to create an atmosphere where adolescents can experience a real connection to their faith – providing an environment where they can concentrate on their spiritual and personal issues and concerns in a positive and encouraging format which reinforces the Catholic perspective. Sessions normally meet alternate Sunday afternoons from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm, in the De Sales Faith Formation Center, September through May.
Opportunities to serve:
Ministry Position Descriptions.
Junior Youth Ministry (JYM) (6th Grade thru 8th Grade)
Youth Ministry is composed of Total Youth Ministry (TYM ) for young people in 9th thru 12th grade and Junior Youth Ministry (JYM) for young people in 6th thru 8th grade. The goal of Youth Ministry is to foster the TOTAL personal and spiritual growth of our young people in Grades 6-12, both individually and as a community. This is done through reinforcing the eight components of Youth Ministry: Catechesis, Advocacy, Community Life, Evangelization, Justice/ Service (outreach), Leadership Development, Pastoral Care, and Prayer and Worship. The primary focus of Youth Ministry is to create an atmosphere where adolescents can experience a real connection to their faith – providing an environment where they can concentrate on their spiritual and personal issues and concerns in a positive and encouraging format which reinforces the Catholic perspective. Sessions normally meet alternate Sunday afternoons from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm, in the De Sales Faith Formation Center, September through May.
Opportunities to serve:
- Catechist
- Catechist Aide
- Clerical help
- Receptionist
- Special Project Leader
- Special Project Aide
Ministry Position Descriptions.
Children's Faith Formation
Elementary Faith Formation (2nd Grade through 5th Grade)
Primary Faith Formation (Kindergarten through 1st Grade)
This ministry assists children in Kindergarten thru 5th Grades on their faith journey. Activities include stewardship opportunities and other social programs. Sessions normally meet alternate Sunday afternoons from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm, in the De Sales Faith Formation Center, September through May. The Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist are received by the youth in this program. First grade faith formation is a pre-requisite for entering the second grade Sacramental year for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist.
Opportunities to serve:
Ministry Position Descriptions.
Primary Faith Formation (Kindergarten through 1st Grade)
This ministry assists children in Kindergarten thru 5th Grades on their faith journey. Activities include stewardship opportunities and other social programs. Sessions normally meet alternate Sunday afternoons from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm, in the De Sales Faith Formation Center, September through May. The Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist are received by the youth in this program. First grade faith formation is a pre-requisite for entering the second grade Sacramental year for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist.
Opportunities to serve:
- Catechist
- Catechist Aide
- Clerical help
- Receptionist
- Special Project Leader
- Special Project Aide
Ministry Position Descriptions.