Ministry Position Descriptions
Immaculate Conception has been blessed with clergy, parish leaders and parish members who hear God’s call to serve. The Immaculate Conception Catholic community reflects Christ’s love, as we strive to live our mission statement by works within the parish and in the world around us. Every year many of our members reach out to serve and are welcomed as stewards of time and talent. The tasks are numerous, some more demanding of hours than others, while some roles require specialized skills. Immaculate Conception has a vast number of stewardship opportunities both within the parish and in the local community.
Many parish members move here to enjoy the beach and share in the wealth of academic and technical resources in the surrounding area. We welcome their ideas and rich experiences from other parishes. We recognize that some families may stay in the community for only a year or two, and may be reluctant to undertake a parish role because their time with us is brief. The Immaculate Conception community welcomes all who wish to share their time and talent in the parish, even for a short time, and we offer many short-term ministry stewardship opportunities. |
We have made every effort to outline each ministry role available, with its respective time commitment. We hope you will reflect on your ability to share your talents with our community. Whether you give one Saturday morning a year to feed the homeless, or dedicate several hours a month to a parish committee, we know God will bless your effort.
Parish Pastoral CouncilParish Finance Council
Liturgical Chairperson
Altar Linen CaretakerAltar ServerArt & EnvironmentExtraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion during the LiturgyExtraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Sick & HomeboundFully Engaged |
Funeral Planning ProcessGreeterLiturgy SetupLectorMusic MinistryUsher |
Faith Formation Chairperson
Sacramental Preparation Baptismal PreparationFirst Reconciliation Preparation First Eucharist PreparationConfirmation PreparationRite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)Rite of Christian Initiation adapted for Children (RCIA-C) |
Adult Faith Formation Adult Faith Formation Coordinator Landings (for Returning Catholics)Chapter by Chapter Mom's Faith Sharing Group Youth Ministry Junior Youth Ministry (JYM) & Total Youth Ministry (TYM)
Elementary Faith Formation |
Social/Hospitality Committee Visitation Ministry Welcome / Orientation / Registration |
Plant & Operations Chairperson
Landscaping Committee Bishop's Annual Appeal (BAA)Maintenance Committee |
Office ReceptionistsSafe Environment Team (SET) Treasury Counters |