Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court #2444 Catholic Daughters of the Americas is the largest women's national organization in the world dedicated to strengthening their spiritual life through Christ and His church. Catholic lay and religious women, eighteen years of age or older, are welcome to be part of this organization. The Catholic Daughters support the church by prayer, social and charitable activities. They share their stewardship of Time, Talent and Treasure as they continue to embrace the light of Christ.
Knights of Columbus Council #1074 The Knights of Columbus is a fraternal organization of Catholic men founded in 1882 by Servant of God Fr. Michael J. McGivney. The principles of the Knights are Charity, Unity and Fraternity and the Fourth Degree exemplifies Patriotism. Wilmington Council 1074 was founded on January 29th 1906. We also welcome Knights who have moved to the Wilmington area and encourage these Knights to continue their Knighthood with Council 1074.