We are blessed with many parishioners who willingly share their time and talents for the benefit of all of us and the greater community. Immaculate Conception Church has over 50 ministries in which 350+ households of all ages are active.
Talent abounds in our parish; a lot of undiscovered talent, too. Parishioners give of their spiritual, artistic, financial, educational, and other abilities. Our beautiful liturgies which we all enjoy do not just happen; many hours are given to make them meaningful and inspiring. Parish celebrations, too, are the result of efforts by many people who give of their talents for fun, for food, for everyone. In addition, parishioners give of their time to help keep the parish running smoothly through volunteering in the Parish Office. Others share their time and talent in maintaining the parish property—just as in our own homes, there is always something to be repaired, replaced or renovated! These are just a few of the opportunities available for sharing your time and talent.